Note on Fair Use: Neither the publisher nor the author claim any copyright or other rights to any of the content on this page nor to the content on linked pages. The use of this content is in furtherance of expressing the theme concerning the use of pseudonyms by authors throughput the ages. As such, the use of these images and related documents and other content is protected speech under the fair use doctrine in those instances where the content is not otherwise within the public domain or is freely available under such regimes as the creative commons, as in the case of the image of J.K. Rowlings reading from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at the Easter Egg Roll at the White House in 2010 (license details here)(photograph courtesy Daniel Ogren). If you are the creator of any of this content and object to its use - or have any questions or concerns about what the fair use doctrine is or why it is applicable in this instance, please feel free to let us know.